Scientific Name: Centaurea Aloha The name “basket flower” comes from the stiff, straw-coloured bracts just beneath the flower head, which are divided at the tip into long, sharp teeth
Height: Basket flowers typically grow to a height of 104-150cm (41-60 inches). When planting basket flowers, ensure that they have enough space to reach their full height without being crowded by other plants.
Sun Preference: basket flowers thrive in full sun conditions. Ensure that they are planted in an area where they receive at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day for optimal growth and blooming.
Plant Spacing: The recommended plant spacing for basket flowers is 15cm (6 inches) apart. This spacing allows the plants to have enough room to grow and develop without competing for resources.
Days to Maturity: Basket flowers typically take around 120 days to reach maturity from the time of planting. During this period, it is essential to provide proper care, including watering, fertilizing, and monitoring for pests or diseases.
Appearance: Basket flower have a cream-colored centre with a lavender to purple outer edge and close at night. There is an interwoven pattern below the petals that gives the appearance of a basket.
Special features : The basket flower has fragrant flowers that emit a sweet, honey fragrance. This feature not only adds to the plant’s appeal but also attracts pollinators like butterflies to the garden. The basket flower is known to attract beneficial insects such as butterflies and native bees. Additionally, the fluffy seedheads that form after the flowers fade are enjoyed by birds, providing food for wildlife.
Design features: These unique looking blooms are of focal flower quality. They create quite a sensation as many people have not seen these before and the woven petals are soft and decorative. These can also be used as a supporting flower