Beginner Growers Workshop 2-4 August 2024
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 Scientific Name: Tagetes

Height: Marigolds typically range in height from 15cm – 90cm (6 inches to 3 feet), depending on the variety.

Plant Spacing: When planting marigolds, space them about 30 cm (12 inches) apart to allow for proper air circulation and growth.

Plant Type: Marigolds are annual flowering plants that belong to the Tagetes genus. 

Sun Preference: Marigolds thrive in full sun, requiring at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day for optimal growth and blooming.

Days to Maturity: Marigolds are relatively fast-growing plants. Depending on the variety, they typically take around 45 to 60 days from planting to reach maturity and start blooming.

Appearance: Marigolds have distinctive flowers with a daisy-like appearance. The flowers can be single or double-petaled, and they often have a strong fragrance. The leaves are usually dark green and finely divided.

Harvesting :  Harvest when the flowers are about half-open and strip off foliage.

Vase life: Vase life is expected to be 7-10 days

Special Features : Marigolds are known for their natural pest-repellent properties. They can deter nematodes, aphids, and other garden pests, making them excellent companion plants. They are also relatively resistant to diseases. Marigolds are often associated with the sun due to their vibrant colours. They symbolize passion, creativity, and warmth. In some cultures, they are used in religious and cultural ceremonies. Marigolds hold significant cultural importance in many regions. In Mexico, they are associated with the Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos) celebrations. In India, they are used in various festivals and ceremonies, especially during Diwali.

Design features: This is one of my favourite supporting flowers and is a long lasting ingredient in installations. I love this white variety and I also break it apart for wearables. They are magnificent in bouquets.

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