Prices on the website are subject to change at any time. Prices listed are retail pricing, and florists, or wholesale customers will receive their discount if they are registered with Femme Pétale Flowers. Gifting and merchandise does not carry a wholesale discount unless this has expressly been agreed upon in writing with Femme Pétale Flowers.
All wholesale customers are strictly COD, unless a contract has been established that says otherwise. No returns on any perishable items such as flowers, seeds, corms or tubers.
We assure the utmost quality at all times, however, should you not be satisfied an email must be sent within 24hrs of receiving the goods with accompanying pictures and description. We will then attend to your email and resolve the problem within 3-5 working days once all necessary investigations have been concluded.
All cancellations must be submitted in writing within 5 working days prior to order date (collection or delivery date). The following cancellation will apply should an order be cancelled after this cut off;
Please note that delivery is not a standard item as the farm is growing. Should any customer require delivery, the costs thereof will be calculated and billed for. Once delivery points have been established, the collection times will be communicated directly. Standard courier fees apply to orders from the shop for merchandise or gifting. Any purchase on the website will be dispatched within 3-5 workings days from time the payment has reflected. Any delays will be communicated with clients directly should we have any issues.
Femme Pétale will not be held liable for any logistical problems beyond it’s control. Should any issues arise, we will do the utmost to resolve the problem as soon as possible.